The Goosie Challenge
Turn Bitcoin into money
Fund or build the first instance of the Goosie smart contract and blockchain to win
Fund or build the first instance of the Goosie smart contract and blockchain to win
0.5% of all Goosie coins minted for life
0.5% of all Goosie coins minted for life
From the Rules of the Goosie Club:
0.5% of goosie minted to those of mankind who do develop or finance the development of the first implementation of the protocol
0.5% of goosie minted to those of mankind who do develop or finance the development of the first implementation of the protocol
What does 0.5% of all Goosie minted look like?
Bitcoin as money is a viable an alternative to fiat. The global M2 supply is $103 trillion. Goosie are minted at 51% the value of the Bitcoin deposited. 0.5% of $103 trillion * 51% is a $202 billion.
Remember, like any lending platform Bitcoin is being continously deposited and redeemed. This means your 0.5% of Goosie minted accrues daily.
Your compensation never stops as long as Goosie are minted.
Bitcoin as money is a viable an alternative to fiat. The global M2 supply is $103 trillion. Goosie are minted at 51% the value of the Bitcoin deposited. 0.5% of $103 trillion * 51% is a $202 billion.
Remember, like any lending platform Bitcoin is being continously deposited and redeemed. This means your 0.5% of Goosie minted accrues daily.
Your compensation never stops as long as Goosie are minted.
How it works
Build the first version of the Goosie protocol to win.
From the Rules of the Goosie Club:
the deployment of the first version of the protocol requires the placing of both goosie smart contract and the goosie blockchain on Github under open source license within the rules of the club;
the first deployment of the goosie protocol is the version with 500 men and women with assets deposited into the goosie smart contract;
evidence of these deposits need to be submitted to the club for validation;
only when validated by the club is the deployment accepted as the first deployment;
once the goosie blockchain is operational the club provides the wallet addresses for the distribution of the 4% of goosie minted to be distributed as outlined above;
coins accepted as collateral by the protocol are those agreed upon by voting members of the club by majority vote;
currently only Bitcoin is accepted as collateral;
Download the Goosie Build Rules Now
Do I need to join the Goosie club to participate?
No, but you can if you want.
Is there anything else I need besides the build rules?
No, but all builds must conform to the Build Rules and Rules of the Goosie Club, both of which are on this website.
Who can I contact to find out more?
Emai the club at [email protected].